I’m baaaaaack! What a trip?! Puerto Rico was an experience to say the least. Between the eclectic ice cream colored abodes, vivacious natives and white sand beaches, I must give it two thumbs up. Jogging my memory, the only downfall was the scattered showers throughout my stay. I skipped the watered down version of tourism and went all in. I got the “authentic” native-style experience by opting to stay with my best friend’s family up in the lush mountains of Guaynabo.
Waking up to the island’s favorite amphibian amigo, the Coqui frog and its melodious “riiiiiibit riiiiiibit”, followed by neighborhood roosters and mangoes falling fresh off the trees onto the roof reminded me every morning of one thing: Houston was a far cry away. Wooo Saaahhh. I wouldn’t be making a mad dash out my front door to beat rush hour traffic fixing my hair on the drive into the office with a cup of coffee in one hand and laptop in the other all while listening to voicemails and going through mild bouts of road rage in Houston traffic. Nope, not this week. This was a week of pure, unadulterated nature up close and personal.